Discover the finest handcrafted teas with Fraser Tea’s Signature Collection Sampler. Curated by our expert Tea Sommeliers and Master Blenders, this premium selection offers a variety of organic teas to suit every taste. Whether you need a robust black tea to kick start your morning or a soothing herbal blend to unwind at night, Fraser Tea has you covered.
This sampler includes 13 individually-wrapped, Non-GMO compostable sachets, making it the perfect gift for any tea lover.
Experience the best of Fraser Tea with this exquisite sampler. Perfect for yourself or as a thoughtful gift.
Contains One of Each:
South Africa is best known in the tea world for Rooibos and Honeybush. Fraser Tea carefully sources both Organic varieties from this region. These native plants produce caffeine-free and healthful herbal teas, or tisanes. The plants are native to and grown...
Discover More1 tsp/sachet
195 - 205°F
3 min
2 tsp/sachets
for iced tea