Fair Trade Tea

Fraser Tea is tea you can feel good about drinking. Not only are our loose leaf and non-gmo pyramidal tea bags blends organic, but many are also Fair Trade certified. Our Fair Trade Certified Tea and ingredients ensure that farmers, producers and suppliers are paid a fair price, with employees who are treated fairly with a safe work environment. This all contributes to supporting sustainable local businesses and the communities in which they operate.
What is Fair Trade?
Fair Trade is a global movement made up of farmers, producers, consumers and organizations dedicated to ensuring an ethical supply chain.
According to Fair Trade.org, “When you see a product with the Fair Trade Certified seal, you can be sure it was made according to rigorous social, environmental, and economic standards. We work closely on the ground with producers and certify transactions between companies and their suppliers to ensure that the people making Fair Trade Certified goods work in safe conditions, protect the environment, build sustainable livelihoods, and earn additional money to empower and uplift their communities.”
Why is Fair Trade Tea important?
Did you know that many farmers and their families around the world are facing poor working conditions and low wages where they live and work? The legal minimum wage (if it exists) is not enough to cover health care, education and some of the most basic needs. Many live in poverty.
The importance of Fair Trade Tea: 4 key purposes
1. Protect Growers and Labor- Fair Minimum Trade Price for tea and ingredients is adjusted for the regional differences and production methods. Farming organic products is more labor intensive and requires a higher price to sustain the business. Fair Trade pricing protects the producers and their employees against drastic fluctuations in market prices.
- Fair-Trade Premium Price is an amount above and beyond the Fair Minimum Trade Price and is distributed to the farmers and their families for health care, education or whatever is needed to empower the organization, community and farming practices.
- Protects Fair Trade Tea Producers by establishing safe working conditions without underpaid child labor.
- Trade Skills development initiatives
- Economic community-focused sustainability
- Fair Trade committees promote leadership opportunities, gender equality and empower communities in self-governance.
- Educating new industries and companies in value of ethical supply chains
- Expanding Fair Trade principles vertically within industries
- Inform customers on the importance of purchasing Fair Trade
- Educate customers on how they can impact the planet with their buying decisions
Who benefits?
Everyone benefits from Fair Trade certified tea and ingredients.
The Fairtrade tea producers, farmers, and their employees are at the top of the list of individuals benefiting from the certifications. The economic sustainability Fair Trade practices ensure sustainable communities in the developing nations that need it the most.
However, the world benefits too. Sustainable communities and producers ensure a sustainable supply for many of the goods we enjoy in the developed regions of the world. To this end, the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to “leave no one behind”. These have been integrated into goals of the Fairtrade organization. These SDG’s include items such as …
No poverty
Zero Hunger
Health and Well being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Responsible Consumption and Promotion
Can all your tea become Fair Trade tea?
The Fair Trade global movement is evolving, and we are happy to see more and more adoption in the developing counties around the world.
In developed places like the USA and Japan, there are government health and safety safeguards in place to protect employees, children, and ensure ethical trade practices. For ingredients sourced in these markets, it is not as likely the producers would carry the Fair Trade certification.
Fraser Tea ingredients must be organic and go through our astringent testing to meet our standards. We only accept high quality organic tea and ingredients for our blends – and look wherever possible for Fair Trade producers who meet our standards.
Organic Fair Trade teas of the highest quality tick all the boxes for Fraser Tea. Knowing we give extra attention to provide fresh, flavorful, and environmentally sustainable tea, allows our customers to enjoy this healthy beverage and feel good knowing they are helping to take care of the planet too.
The following is a sample of our Fair Trade Certified teas or tea with Fair Trade Certified ingredients:
Ceylon Organic Black Tea is a certified Fair Trade black tea from Sri Lanka
Cream Earl Grey Organic Decaffeinated Black Tea is a certified Fair Trade Earl Grey Tea from India.
Earl Grey Organic Decaffeinated Black Tea is a Fair Trade Certified blended tea.
Nilgiri Organic Black Tea is certified Fair Trade black tea and makes a great iced tea.
Rainbow Rooibos Organic Herbal Tea has Fair Trade Certified Rooibos and is caffeine free.
Vanilla Rooibos Organic Rooibos contains Fair Trade Certified cinnamon and is completely caffeine free.
Blueberry Matcha Organic Green Tea has Fair Trade Certified cane sugar in the ingredients.
Vanilla Matcha Organic Green Tea contains natural Fair Trade Certified cane sugar and is delightful mixed in oatmeal and fruit.
Raspberry Matcha Organic Green Tea contains Fair Trade Certified natural cane sugar and is a great flavored alternative to traditional matcha.
Mango Peach Matcha Organic Green Tea contains Fair Trade Certified organic cane sugar.
Mango Matcha Organic Green Tea contains Fair Trade Certified natural cane sugar in the ingredients and is great in smoothies.
Cinnamon Swirl Matcha Organic Green Tea has Fair Trade cinnamon and Fair Trade cane sugar in the ingredients
Organic Matcha Latte Green Tea contains Fair Trade Certified sugar in the ingredients
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