Benefits of Drinking Tea Everyday

The simple benefits of drinking tea everyday might surprise you. Every sip of our organic green, black, oolong, white and Pu-erh teas can positively impact your health.
This article covers the positive health benefits of tea – highlighting some of the extensive research that’s been done on tea over the past few years. Before we get into the science, it’s helpful to have an introduction to the different kinds of teas, the other plants/ingredients used, and the terminology surrounding that delicious cup you enjoy so much.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- What is Tea (Camellia Sinensis)
- Camellia Sinensis plant has 2 different varieties
- How are Teas Processed?
- 5 Different Tea Categories
- What is Rooibos Tea (Aspalathus Linearis)?
- What are Herbal Teas (Tisanes)?
- Main Components in Tea that Impact Health
- Tea and Bioavailability
- Different Benefits of Fraser Tea®
- Benefits of Drinking Tea Everyday
- Heart Health
- Weight Loss and Obesity
- Immunity
- Cancer Reduction
- Detox and Cleanse
- Recovery Rejuvenate and Inflammation Reduction
- Mental Health
- Skin and Beauty
- Summary
- Sources

That cup your enjoying was probably made using a steeping process. Steeping is the process of soaking “something” to extract its flavor. However, that “something” your steeping could also just as easily be herbs, dried fruits, rooibos, fresh lemons and ginger root, barley or really anything. When you are “steeping tea”, this generally means that you have steeped the actual tea plant leaves (called Camellia sinensis) in your cup. The Camellia sinensis plant produces tea leaves. After different processing techniques, these tea leaves produce five different types of teas: white, green, oolong, pu-erh and black teas. Today, we are ONLY going to be exploring the health benefits of white, green, oolong, pu-erh and black teas.
Wait a minute. Isn’t all tea, tea? What about rooibos tea and herbal teas? Are those teas too?
Great question. Simply speaking, today lots of drinks that do not contain the actual tea leaves from the from the tea plant Camellia sinensis are commonly called “tea” – more on this below.
What is Tea (Camellia Sinensis)?
Camellia sinensis is a species of evergreen shrub whose leaves are used to produce the tea beverages. Camellia sinensis is commonly called a tea plant among English speaking people. The leaves of this plant are used when steeping tea. Camellia sinensis can grow up to be about 6 feet (or 2 meters) tall, but like many agricultural trees or shrubs, it is usually trimmed to make for easier harvesting. The tea leaves of the Camellia sinensis are about the size of a bay leaf and are shiny and glossy. This plant is used to make caffeinated teas such as green, black, oolong, white and Pu-erh.

(Assam Tea Field)
Camellia Sinensis plant has 2 different varieties
1) Camellia sinensis sinensis are native to China but are also grown in other areas with cooler weather and higher elevations. A delicious example is our Lung Ching Organic Green Tea.
2) Camellia sinensis assamica are plants native to Northern India. Our Assam Organic Black Tea is used to make many of our black tea blends.
How are Teas Processed?
How can one tea leaf from Camellia sinensis be made into 5 totally different types of teas?
Like with so many things, the process has a significant impact on the ingredients used. For tea, the varying harvest procedures and the duration of the Camellia sinensis oxidation process results in quite different kinds of teas. Oxidation refers to how long the leaves have been exposed to oxygen once harvested. This whole process is often referred to as: fermentation
If you take as an example what happens to the flesh of an apple once it is peeled? When the apple is freshly peeled, the apple flesh is white, and the taste is fresh and bright. However, once oxygen hits the apple’s flesh, it starts to darken and deepen in flavor. A similar effect can happen with tea. The longer the oxidation process is the deeper and more robust the flavor will be.
5 Different Tea Categories
- Green Tea is the least processed of all the teas. Additionally, it is unfermented. For Green tea, the tea leaves are picked, then the leaves are either steamed or pan fried (also known as Kill the Green) to stop the oxidation process. Next, the tea leaves are rolled to make it easier for the final step which is drying.
- White Tea is harvested before the tea leaves fully open, while they still have the little white hairs. That is why it is called white tea. White tea undergoes hardly any fermentation. The tea leaves wither indoors for about 72 hours, then baked, rolled lightly and then dried.
- Oolong Tea would be considered partially fermented First, they are sun wilted and then indoor wilted. Then the leaves are tossed in basket and undergo partial oxidation. From there, the leaves are either steamed or pan fried to suspend the oxidation process. Next, the leaves are rolled and then formed into little balls. Finally, a high temperature tumble heating to freeze the oxidation process. At last, the oolong tea is roasted.
- Pu-erh Tea can be either raw or ripened. Raw pu-erh does not undergo a piling fermentation process. Both the raw and ripened pu-erh leaves are picked, undergo indoor withering, then are pan fried to stop the oxidation process, rolled and then dried under the sun. However, this is where the two types differ. Raw Pu-erh is then usually compressed in a disk and is aged by storing in a dry and dark place. However, ripened pu-erh undergoes a second fermentation process called wet piling. This wet piling method allows the tea to ferment in a warm humid climate. From there, it can be sold as loose-leaf tea or compressed into a disk.
- Black Tea is harvested, then spread out to allow for Then, the tea leaves are rolled. Next, the leaves are spread out in a cool humid room and exposed to oxygen for several hours, the longest of any of the teas. This long oxidizing process time causes a chemical reaction in the leaves to turn from green to a golden red color. This is the reason why Black tea is sometimes called “hong cha” which means Red Tea in Mandarin (hong: red, cha: tea). Finally, the leaves are baked or fired up in hot woks to stop the oxidizing process.

What is Rooibos Tea (Aspalathus Linearis)?
Unlike the five types of tea, we outlined above, that all come from the Camellia sinensis tea plant, (black, green, oolong, white and Pu-erh tea), Rooibos (pronounced “roy-boss”) is harvested from the Aspalathus Linearis shrub which is part of the legume family. Rooibos based teas are made from this caffeine-free tisane or herbal infusion by steeping the Aspalathus Linearis leaves, which have a needle like shape. However, rooibos is not technically a tea. Rooibos is not derived from the Camellia sinensis but instead from the Aspalathus Linearis shrub.
Organic Rooibos Tea is also known as Red Bush Tea. It is grown in South Africa, and this plant loves the climate of hot arid days and cool nights found in the Cederberg region. The Aspalathus Linearis leaves are cut when green but then then are allowed to naturally oxidize in the sun. After bathing in the sun, the needle like leaves turn a beautiful red golden color. Our Vanilla Rooibos Organic Rooibos Tea is made with our Fair Trade Tea rooibos. Its naturally sweet, mellow, and creamy vanilla flavor makes this a delicious caffeine-free beverage. We will be covering the health benefits of rooibos in another article.

What are Herbal Teas (Tisanes)?
Organic Herbal Teas are typically Tisanes. A tisane refers to an infusion of herbs, spices, flowers or anything that does not come from the Camellia sinensis plant. Herbal teas do not include Camellia sinensis leaves in the infusion and thus they are not technically a tea, even though we refer to them as a tea. Tisanes are usually caffeine free. Chamomile tea is a good example, made from the dried flowers of the Asteraceae plant, and containing no Camellia sinensis (or “tea” leaves). We will be covering the health benefits of herbal teas in another article.
So, to summarize, many ‘teas’ do not contain any actual tea (Camellia sinensis) at all. The word ‘tea’ might refer to a beverage made from with the Camellia sinensis plant, or a variety of other plants, herbs, flowers, fruit, or flavorings. We love exploring this vast world of flavors and variety and we have sourced a wide array of ingredients for use in in our family of organic tea blends.
Main Components in Tea that Impact Health
- Polyphenols (also known as flavonoids) are enzymes high in antioxidants found in tea and other plant-based foods. Some examples of polyphenols are procyanidins, quercetin, isoflavones and catechins. A catechin that is found in highest concentration in green tea is called Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). These polyphenols are important for our defense against pathogens and an important benefit of drinking tea every day. In a 2009 study, Pandey and Rizvi (2009) found that “long term consumption of diets rich in plant polyphenols offer protection against development of cancers, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis and neurodegenerative diseases.” 1
- Phytonutrients are sometimes called phytochemicals. These are natural occurring chemicals that protect plants from germs, fungus, and other threats. Tea plants contains phytonutrients. Other benefits of phytonutrients include their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. According to the article, Flavonoids: Chemistry, Biochemistry and Application by Anderson and Markham (2006) 2, certain phytonutrients may also enhance immunity and intercellular communication, repair DNA damage from exposure to toxins, detoxify carcinogens and alter estrogen metabolism.
- Amino acids, like L-Theanine in tea, are thought to reduce anxiety and promote feelings of relaxation. Matcha tea is higher in L-Theanine than some other teas. During the last few weeks of growing the tea, growers cover the tea plants. This process increases the number of amino acids in the tea. Some people report they feel euphoric after drinking a cup of Organic Matcha Tea. According to a 40 patient study performed by Ritsner et al. (2009)3, L-Theanine can help relieve anxiety symptoms in schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder patients.
- Methylxanthines are alkaloids found chocolate, coffee, and tea. Caffeine and Theophylline are two of the most prevalent Methylxanthines, and the have been found to provide psycho stimulant effects4. According to Bonetti and Zuliani (2017),5 theophylline is the primary methylxanthine in tea plants.
Our organic black tea has our highest caffeine level. Over 70 mg of caffeine per serving, will get you up and going. Pu-erh teas are around 60mg of caffeine per cup. Oolong teas are approximately 50 to 60 mg of caffeine per serving. Green Teas are about 50mg of caffeine per serving. White teas are approximately 40mg per serving. Coffee has approximately 95 mg caffeine per cup. Therefore, tea is a better choice if trying to watch your caffeine intake.
- Essential Oils like lemon balm, peppermint and chamomile are added to some teas. These essential oils provide the aroma and send positive euphoria messages to the brain8. For example, lemon is fresh and bright and is good for flushing out the toxins out of your system. Peppermint can give you a boost of energy and also help digestion issues.
Tea and Bioavailability
Tea Bioavailability is the amount of health components (such as Polyphenols, Phytonutrients, etc.) available in the body after drinking and digesting tea. According to Cai et al (2018),9 “Only a small fraction of tea catechins present in the intestinal tract after drinking tea can be absorbed, and therefore considered to be bioavailable, i.e., appearing in the blood and tissues or reaching the systemic circulation”.
Our gastrointestinal tract is responsible for the metabolism of these polyphenols and enzymes before the reach the liver. Naumovski et al (2015),10 found the bioavailability of these health components can be increased by drinking tea on an empty stomach. However, if you have a sensitive gastrointestinal system, it might be best to eat little something with your tea.
Different Benefits of Fraser Tea®
By now you have learned about the different processes that go into harvesting tea leaves, and how these result in different types of tea. We outlined some of the other types of plants that are used in steeped ‘tea’ beverages. You have an introduction to the plant chemistry. In this next section we explore in more detail how this all comes together to benefit your mind and body.

Benefits of Drinking Tea Everyday
Fraser Tea is committed to keeping you healthy while delivering a delicious organic handcrafted tea beverage. We use ONLY organic tea and organic ingredients to deliver the freshest leaves in your cup. Be sure to check out our post, “What is Organic Tea” to learn more about this process. Fraser Tea is committed to the environment and uses only Next Generation Non-GMO Pyramidal Tea Bags that are made entirely from organic compostable plant material.
Health and flavor. Not only is tea a delicious choice, but there are many health benefits of tea. You may want to grab a hot cup of tea when you are feeling under the weather. However, did you know there are many health benefits for consuming tea on a daily basis? Backed by science, there are many medical benefits ranging from heart health, to skin and beauty. We have a have a whole category on our website called Tea Wellness. There you will find we have specific teas listed that target certain health goals. Check it out!
- Detox & Cleanse Tea
- Recover & Rejuvenate Tea
- Weight Loss Tea
- Skin and Beauty Tea
- Heart Health Tea
- Mental Health Tea
- Immunity Tea
- Cancer Prevention Tea
Please Note: Before starting any change to your diet and routine, you should always discuss this with your primary care physician first and make sure that it does not interfere with any health conditions or your current medications.
Heart Health
In order to understand how tea provides health benefits to your heart, we need to define a few terms first.
- Oxidants are molecules that are produced inside your body but react with other molecules in your body such as lipids, proteins, and DNA. When this reaction happens, it causes unwanted inflammation within the body and chronic diseases are more apt to occur. Ishad and Chaudhuri (2002) 11, found this inflammation can cause injury to arterial walls and cause cardiovascular disease and stroke.
- Antioxidants, include a form of polyphenols found in tea and are the protectors of your body. Their role is to block the negative effects of oxidants.
A research study was performed in Saudi Arabia by Hakim et al. (2003) 12 to see if there was a relationship between tea consumption and coronary heart disease (CHD). The findings of this study determined that the patients that drank more than 6 cups of black tea per day had a lower prevalence of CHD than the non-tea drinkers in the study. Other studies suggest that just as little as 1-3 cups have a positive impact on preventing cardiovascular disease.
In another research study by Arab, Liu and Elashoff (2009) 13, it was determined that if patients drank at least 3 glasses of green or black tea a day they had a 21% less chance of stroke compared to patients that drank 1 or less cups of tea per day. This study suggests that the benefits of drinking at least 3 cups of black or green tea everyday could prevent the onset of ischemic stroke.
Sesso et al. (1999) 14, performed a study with 340 patients to determine if there was less of a risk of myocardial infarction (MI) between patients that drank coffee vs tea. The results, after adjustments for cardiopulmonary risks, showed that only the tea drinkers had a decreased risk of having a heart attack. Wang, Lui and Li (2020) 15, found that everyday tea drinkers had 1.41 more years without any cardiovascular incidents compared to those that did not drink tea daily. In addition, they found that habitual tea drinkers had a 1.26-year greater life expectancy at 50 years of age.
Weight Loss and Obesity
Wouldn’t it be fantastic if all you had to do was to drink one cup of tea a day and magically lose weight? It is not exactly that easy. Eating healthy and exercise are still important for keeping your weight in check. However, in a promising study by Auvichayapat et al. (2008)15, 60 obese patients were followed for 12 weeks with a standardized diet. One group drank green tea, and the other group drank a placebo. The results were that the green tea drinkers lost an average of 7.3 pounds (3.3 kg) more weight compared to the group that drank the placebo.
If you like Organic Pu-erh Tea, you are in luck. A study by Yang et al. (2014) 16, found that the males, after drinking pu-erh tea for 3 months. had a slight reduction in body mass index (BMI) and weight.
We have even better news for you. Drinking an assortment of green, back, oolong and pu-erh has also been scientifically proven to assist in weight reduction. In a study by Rothernberg, Zhou and Zang (2018) 17, they found that ingesting an assortment of teas may actually be more beneficial for weight loss than drinking only one tea type. The reason being is that each of the teas respond differently in the gut. A reaction between residual undigested carbohydrates, modulated gut microbiota, and tea polyphenols may help promote weight loss.
What about Cinnamon? Have you ever noticed after drinking teas with cinnamon like our Hot Spicy Cinnamon Made with Black Tea helps curb your appetite? How cinnamon works is still a bit of a mystery, but scientist believe that keeps blood glucose levels stable and therefore reduces cravings. According to Hlebowicz et al. (2007) 18, the addition of cinnamon to food delayed gastric emptying and reduced glucose levels after eating.

Preventive medicine has never been more important than it is right now. We know that we must boost our immunity and stay healthy in order to survive. Staying active, eating healthy, practicing good hygiene around sick people, and adding green tea to your diet may be the ticket to staying healthy during the cold and flu season. Our Turmeric Ginger Organic Green Tea is packed with antioxidants and a delicious way to boost your immunity.
Green tea. A study done by Furushima, Ide and Yamada (2018) 19, has shown that drinking green tea regularly can decrease influenza rates and cold symptoms due to the catechins in tea. In addition, they found out that gargling with green tea can help prevent the flu.
White tea. The immunity benefits of drinking tea every day are that L- theanine converts into an antigen called ethylamine. Ethylamine prompts the immune cells called gamma delta T cells to get going. Gamma Delta T Cells are instructed to respond and fight off this antigen or infection, if it the body is ever exposed to it again. White teas like our Bai Mun Dan Organic White Tea, also have many of those antioxidant polyphenols to help us fight off infections.
In a review performed by Mhatre et al. (2020) 20, they determined that drinking daily green and black teas were beneficial as a potential prophylactic in addition to therapeutic agents in managing and treatment of Covid – 19, but more research is needed.
Auto Immune diseases can be devastating, affecting millions of people worldwide. According to a study done by Wu (2016) 21, Green tea and its active ingredient, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), has preventative and therapeutic potential with auto immune diseases in animal studies.
Cancer Reduction
Tea (along with self-care) has a prominent role in cancer prevention.
According to the review done by Zaveri (2016) 22 The most active polyphenolic catechins EGCG in green tea have free radical scavenging abilities that might prevent cells from DNA damage that can lead to cancer.
Skin cancer from oxidative damage can develop after sun overexposure and UV radiation. Black tea is a rich source antioxidants, and the addition of citrus like lemon or orange to your tea can help unleash the full antioxidant potential. 23 A study done by Hakim and Harris (2001)24, found that those subjects who consumed regular black tea and orange peel had less skin cancer than the group that did not.
Great news for men! Su and Arab (2002) 25 studied the impact of black teas on reducing colon cancer. They found that although women in their study drank disproportionally more black tea, males in the study group had a greater reduction of colon cancer. Taking this to mind, our Morning Blend Organic Black Tea has both black tea and orange peel.
Detox and Cleanse
Did you have too much alcohol yesterday? Be sure to keep a box of our Hangover Helper Organic Green Tea on the shelf for just that occasion. Not only do you have all the health benefits of green tea but there is also lemon balm and dandelion root in the tea blend. Lemon balm, can help lower triglycerides and also help reduce factors that can lead to liver cancer, Jun et al. (2012) 26. Dandelion root can work with your body to detoxify your liver, according to a study by Cai et al. (2017) 27.
Green tea is a great way to detox your body naturally, with the work of your own body. However, a green tea cleanse diet is not recommended. Instead, adding green teas to a healthy diet can help your body work more effectively to detox naturally, according to a study performed by Abbas et al. (2016) 28.

Recovery Rejuvenate and Inflammation Reduction
We tax our bodies all day with hard work, deadlines, worries and not enough sleep. A great way to reset is to enjoy the health benefits of drinking tea every day. Some include properties that reduce inflammation or a calming effect.
Have you tried our Athlete’s Recovery Organic Black Tea? It’s a refreshing blend of black tea, cinnamon, ginger, turmeric and fruits to revitalize and help fight inflammation after a hard workout. The 2004 study by Aneja et al. 29 found that black tea contains a polyphenol called theaflavin and it is responsible for reducing inflammation.
After a long hard day, you might need a moment to relax and rejuvenate. Our Lavender Night Organic White Tea has antioxidants to help you recover and repair. In addition, the lavender will help calm your mind.
There is no reason to sacrifice taste to get all of the health benefits. Our Jasmine Dandelion Detox Organic Green Tea is naturally sweet and floral. However, this tea packs a punch of ginger to fight inflammation and dandelion to help the body detox naturally.
Mental Health
Do you know that euphoric feeling you get when you take that first sip of tea? For just that one moment, you forget about everything around you. Your senses become alive as you notice the aroma from tea, the steam coming from the cup, the warmness of the cup in your hands and the positive euphoria you feel as you take that first sip.
According to a study performed by Steptoe et al. (2007)30, the reason we have this euphoric feeling is because habitual tea drinking helps with lowering post stress cortisol levels. Cortisol is a steroid hormone. It has many roles such as controlling blood sugar levels, acts as an anti-inflammatory, influencing memory formation and controlling your blood pressure, etc.
In another study by Nathan et al. (2009) 31, L-theanine from tea increases brain serotonin and dopamine. Serotonin is a chemical mood stabilizer. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter made by your body and it sends messages around your body. It is responsible for that feel good feeling. People that do not have enough dopamine in their brains can feel depressed according to a review done by Dunlop and Nemeroff (2007) 32.
Skin and Beauty
Sometimes we forget that our skin is an organ – the largest in/on our body. The secret of healthy glowing skin is to be healthy on the inside, first. Our organic green teas are filled with polyphenols that can help fight free radicals and help prevent skin damage from ultraviolet light (UV), which can cause wrinkles.
In a study performed by Prasanth et al. (2019) 33, they evaluated both ingestion of green tea extracts and topical application of green tea extracts after patients were exposed to UV light. The results were that patients that ingested green tea capsules for 3 months after being exposed to UV light healed faster from their sun burns.
As we grow older and with more exposure to UV light, you can get those annoying dark spots and changes of skin color. Oolong tea was found to have skin whitening abilities and decrease the amount of melanin at the cellular level, according to results of a study by Aoki et al. (2007) 34.
As you can see, there are many health benefits of drinking tea every day. Preventative health is so especially important. In Asia, thousands of years of experience have taught people that preventative medicine is even more important that reactive medicine. It is a lot easier and less costly to prevent, rather than to treat chronic health issues. Our goal at Fraser Tea is to provide to you the highest quality organic tea blends to keep you happy and healthy.
Want to learn more? Be sure to Explore our website and learn more about tea basics, wellness, origins of tea, tea traditions and new recipes using tea.
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Please Note: Before starting any change to your diet and routine, you should always discuss this with your primary care physician first and make sure that it does not interfere with any health conditions or your current medications.
Disclaimer: This website is not intended for the purpose of medical advice. All information, content, and material of this website is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider. If you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.
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